Who invented Google?
Interestingly, the pair didn’t get along when they first met. Before Page enrolled at Stanford, he took a tour and found himself in Brin’s group. He found Brin too social, even obnoxious, and the pair had friendly arguments during the tour.
Why was Google invented? At first, it was part of Page’s doctoral project. The web — which was still in its infancy at that time — fascinated Page. He wanted to find a way to organize it. He used a system based on bibliometrics, a practice in the scientific community of organizing the amount of citations in a research paper.
Page theorized that backlinks to other sites and pages were just paper citations in another form. When it came time to actually map out his theories, the project became more ambitious than he anticipated, and so he recruited help.
How was Google invented? Brin was a mathematics prodigy, even at a young age, though at times he appeared to be the lazy kind of genius. He took a lot of “goof-off” classes and applied his intelligence mostly to side projects, which was how he joined Page. How does Google’s ranking system work? Realizing backlinks from more credible sources were worth more than sheer numbers, the pair developed an algorithm called PageRank to prioritize sites within certain topics. PageRank accounted for how many backlinks the sites that backlinked had, how many backlinks those backlinked sites had, and so on.
There were a lot of mathematical wrinkles to iron out. But that’s the kind of hard commuting work you’d expect from the people who invented Google. How did Google become a search engine? In the end, PageRank made BackRub highly effective — even more effective than the leading search engines of the time, AltaVista and Excite. Not only were their results superior to other search engines, their system was able to be scaled. The bigger the web got, the more accurate the results. And in 1996, at the dawn of the dotcom boom, that was exactly what the world needed.
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